The most comfortable

piece of furniture

on the planet





Cuddling is the best thing about Bujtsy. But you can hop around in it, watch films, enjoy the sun or just chill… and do lots of other things more. Bujtsy isn’t only furniture, it’s a sense of life: love, happiness, childish foolishness.

This isn’t a beanbag! The time of the uncomfortable beanbag fillings of the 90’s is long gone! Bujtsy’s very own developed memory foam filling, that is super soft, adapts to the shape of your body, holds it nicely, hugs you as if you were sitting in the centre of a fluffy cloud.

Hop in it, sink in it, enjoy!

Our silky premium quality rabbit fur cover – faux fur, but feels just like the real thing – comes with the recommendation of happy bunnies.

Heavenly comfort


Feather light with a gentle touch.
Most likely it’s the word’s most comfortable piece of furniture.
Work in it in an office or from home, or just lay in it and chill.

Cuddle with your partner, child, or your pet.
Bujtsy, as its name implies, is created just for that!


Because we know things tend to spill… The cover is machine-washable and stands the test of time and home.


Just unzip, pull down the old cover and on with the new! There is a cover for every mood.


Because our aim is for you to enjoy them for a long time. We use materials of the highest quality. Our mix of the finest memory foam remains soft after years, doesn’t turn yellow and doesn’t harden. 

The inner and outer bags are made of sturdy, massive material, with double lining, in 3 layers, so that you can move it around as you like. Everyone is welcome to hop in. Designed for real life!

Every piece of Bujtsy is lovingly hand-made.

If you are expecting a new baby, and no other bed can give you comfort, Bujtsy does the job and hugs you softly. It adapts to the changes of your body. It doesn’t press on you, doesn’t put a strain on your body, it takes your shape, so you can relax easily during these exciting times!

You can experience fantastic closeness with your little one, cuddling in the super soft, silky Bujtsy.

Choose only the original Bujtsy products!

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Listen to the Bujtsy song! Because we have one too.  The song by András Kállay Saunders and Gabriel is about the Bujtsy feeling. Have fun!